Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Morning

How about that Santa did come - we must have been on the good list!

Look - Santa all all the cookies and drank all the milk...

Stocking Stuffers

Look! Look! A Barbie Airplane - just what I've been dreaming for!

Erik is a happy camper with his lotto tickets and Beavers shirt!

Ooooohhhh....more Barbie stuff :-) That is a happy girl!

I'm so excited! Cheeeesssseeee!

What it

Hmmmm...what could this be?

A Leapster!

Okay...? What is in this juice box?

Really - what is this?

Yeah - An I-Pod!!! Just what I wanted!!!

Austin helping Ava open her Barbie stuff from Uncle Kirk.
There's the waffle iron I wanted :-)

Hmmm...A cake stand :-)

Look Mom a Christmas dress for bitty baby and one just like it for me - it's beautiful!


Christmas Day at the Foster house...

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Ava & Eadie performing for everyone - singing songs, playing the guitar and dancing...they must have really captured the audience because after the night was over I realized I didn't get any pictures of Brenden or Austin - darn.

Erik, Mitch, Renee' and Mom - mmm...that was good!

Ava and Eadie in their pretty Christmas dresses

Ava and Eadie in their PJ's - almost time to call it a night - what a busy week!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve at our House...

Ava & Austin so excited to open a gift on Christmas Eve!
Oh cooooll!!! LOOK! It's a Build a Bear from Brandy!!!
This is soooo cooooolllll!!!! I love it!
Oh my GOSH a fish pillow - this is so Awesome!
It is huge! Almost bigger than I am.
Look at this ginormous fish I caught!
Austin - so happy with his fish :-)

Ava assisting Grammie in opening her gift...

And finally Pappa opening his gift
Don't forget - the letter to Santa!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Show - Ava

Ava singing at her pre-school Christmas program ~ she did a great job. She is in the PINK and black dress.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Visiting Santa Clause at Dana's house

Santa came to Dana's house for a visit and all of the kids got to visit with him and his reindeer.
Santa even had a gift in his bag for Austin!

Ava waited a very, very, very long time, not quite as long as her friend Ramsey but she was getting a little nervous that Santa might not have anything in his bag for her...

still worried and started chewing on her hands...

Whew! It was so worth with wait! She told him that she was a good girl and made sure to tell him every last thing she wanted. Ava was not scared of Santa this year.

A little shy maybe but not scared!