Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 11...

Week 11...? or so. We only have 2 or did she say 3 left for the re-do of induction phase....ah close enough. It has been a long week to say the least! If this update is a little jumbled - I apologize.

This last week went okay. Ava's hair continues to thin although I'm not noticing it falling out as much as the week before. She was complaining of pain in her feet, hip and knees which is a normal side effect of the chemo but pain is pain. That and her daily complaint of a sore throat, sore chin and sore spots on her back. It was easy sailing for the most part this week - no fevers or secondary illnesses (flu, cold etc.) anyway...Thank God.

It was my turn to travel to Anchorage with Ava. We left this morning and flew back home this afternoon. The flight home was probably the fastest Anch/Fbks flight ever! We are talking 35 minutes or so. I've also never heard so many folks coughing and sniffeling either - that could be just cause I notice it more now than ever before.

Ava's counts were low as usual but nothing alarming well, except there was concern over her HCT number being at 24.8 - the go ahead for her chemo was given anyway as it has been a gradual drop and not a sudden drop, still phone calls were made to ensure the right decision was made in administering her tx today.

Her urine was clean today and that was good as the resultes over the last few weeks have been questionable.

As for the pain in her feet which seemed to dominate a few of our mornings we will begin some physical therapy to ensure that she doesn't have any long lasting/permanant side effects. There was a slightly noticible gait, nothing super alarming but since it is most likely a side effect from the chemo we are going to mitigate the effects and get started with pt now instead of later.

On a side note, Ava added 3 more beads to her beads of courage. That is always a fun thing that she looks forward to doing.

Although it was a long day, we had just the right amount of time. We were up at 5am to get ready and catch our morning plane and left the hospital at 5pm to catch our 7pm plane. Still, glad to be home all in one day :)

Now, off to another week of avoiding germs and staying day at a time.

Also, not to forget our decision which weighs heavily on our family at the moment and that is whether or not we will be relocating to Anchorage for my job or not. This one is a tough one - not so obvious. Our main focus at the moment is Ava and family in general. I can't even begin to imagine moving and relocating until we have squashed this disease. We are praying that we make the right decision and at that point move forward and not look back.

Thanks to all of my amazing co-workers at Alyeska Pipeline for the mileage as well as extra funds that has been generously provided to us for this trip and for Ava's upcoming travel as well! Thanks everyone!!! Our family is so very grateful for all you have unselfishly gifted to us.

“I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.” Anon

Now that is a lot of beads (beads of courage) !!!

Ava's pic she took of her Mama!

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