Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 15...

...only not in Anchorage as planned. And we were all looking forward to having her chemo today and getting the MRI and scans out of the way so we could (hopefully) move on to the next phase of treatment SOON.

Ava spiked a fever last night and we landed in the hospital (Fairbanks Memorial Hosp). Her counts don't look bad and her ANC was at 2650 or so (I think). She may have a slight UTI but nothing major. Her fever was at around 103.7 and has come down with the help of Motrin and Tylenol.

We will be here a few days until her fever breaks and is gone for probably at least 12 hours...that is what I speculate anyway.

So, no chemo for a few days. We will wait for Dr. Hamre to let us know what to do from here.

The nurse in the ER last night was great and port access was a breeze - THANK GOD!!! The communication was good and our experience so far has been soooo much more positive than our last Fairbanks hospital stay. This makes me (and Ava) so, so, so happy!!!

The snow has fallen and here to stay. We sure had amazing fall weather this year and it felt like it was actually a season :)

Ava had a visit with our favorite dentist (Lee Payne DDS) and hygienist (Sue) and her teeth looked good. She does show signs of grinding though which we knew. We were worried because her eye teeth were bugging her more so on one side than the other - but it would make sense because she has been an aggressive teeth grinder lately.

Aside from the normal aches and pains, and lets not forget some serious roid rage (steroid rage not hemroid rage :) ) Ava seems to be doing fine - well, except for her current fever.

I signed my paperwork for Alyeska yesterday with my intentions to relocate to Anchorage. Our move is to take place and be in place by October 1st 2010. Now, it is time to put this decision behind us and focus on Ava and come back and move forward on it at a later date.

Austin - has been busy with his animals and school work. I have to say that he is one of the hardest working children I is so beyond time to send him to Kidville cause this child really needs to learn to relax and PLAY!!!

Last week we had dinner at my Sister Renee's house, my nephew Brenden made up some delicious Chicken (that he raised) and dumplings - YUMMY...Thank you, it was wonderful.

Anita hand made a sweater for Curious Georgina and sent me home with some more Curious George books for Ava...Anita, you timing was perfect, just in time for our stay at the hospital. You see last time Ava was in the hospital here in Fairbanks Anita gave Ava a Curios George stuffed animal which was one of our highlights from our last stay.

Thanks Mom for picking up the kids and helping out this week!

Our mileage for our trip today (which is now postponed) was given to us by Alyeska...not sure who was all behind making that happen - but Thank You!!! It is all so appreciated.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued thoughts, prayers, well wishes and positive vibes - every little bit sure helps.

Our lives have changed so much in the last few months and the added stress of other things popping up here and there and new decisions placed upon us seems unbearable some days but thanks to God and many amazing friends, family and histio families that we have networked with and our great staff of Dr.'s and nurses we are making the best of all of this and just going day by day.

A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.

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